Tag Archives: Valentine’s Day

Snacks At Work

14 Feb

Today’s post, in honour of Valentine’s Day, will be about something that is very close to my heart.

Snacks at work.

I feel very strongly about snacks at work, and have given this subject hours of thought. But for you, dear readers, I shall condense, and simply give you the Top Ten Reasons To Have Snacks At Work.

**Bonus! In honour of the holiday, you shall also receive Top Ten Snacks To Consume At Work. Lucky you!

Top Ten Reasons To Have Snacks At Work
1. They refuel you, both physically, and mentally
2. Great conversation starters!
3. If you keep your snacks in a separate area, or a fridge, the exercise to get there alone is totally worth it
4. Gives you something wonderful to look forward to
5. Can be very healthy, as in the case of my cherry flavoured Twizzlers shaped like hockey skates – cherry, of course, is a fruit
6. If you receive a rather heated email, just have a cookie and count to ten before responding
7. Some foods, like chips, make you thirsty, which can increase your water intake. And we all know you should try and get eight glasses of water per day
8. Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. Second breakfast, therefore, must be twice as important
9. If you’re spouse or partner is planning a meal that you have no interest in, you can safely fill up on other foods so you won’t be hungry and have to eat their gross shiz
10. Eating makes me feel good


Top Ten Snacks To Consume At Work
1. Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookies, recently on sale at your local Shopper’s Drug Mart for only $1.99
2. Quaker Oats Chocolate Chip Granola Bars – often includes five bonus Air Miles if you purchase five boxes at Metro
3. Leftovers from a catered lunch the day before – the best part is that it’s free
4. Quaker Oats Peaches N’ Cream Oatmeal – it comes with a free tip of the day!
5. M&Ms. They taste great
6. Peanut Butter and Toast. Toast in itself offers all sorts of possibilities!
7. Triscuits. Mmm!
8. Almonds. Covered in chocolate
9. Trail mix. With M&Ms
10. Champgne

Guest Blog: A Single’s Insights Into Him and Her and Being Single

15 Feb

I know Her because I work with Her. I know Him because of Her. I know after having drinks with them last night that they are perfect for one another.

It’s those small nauseating feelings one can get when sitting at a table with a long-time couple as they reminisce about someone’s certain hand flaying rat dances which the other finds so endearing.   *sigh It must be a rat dance only a mother could love only your partner could love.

As the dawn of Valentine’s Day soon approaches, and as I a single friend of Her, I wonder cynically, is everyone in a relationship?!

If all your friends are in a relationship, which is the case with all the coworkers in my team, then are you an outcast? The answer is no. Despite all of your coworkers receiving flowers to their desks and planning elaborate Valentine weekends away on top of snow peaks. This is what you still have. Yes, you the single person.

  • The ability to admire your friend’s relationships. Such is the case with Him and Her. She indulgences me with the sweet details of their courtship, conflicts and triumphs. (Not in an annoying T.M.I way)
  • The ability to share raunchy single stories with your couple friends. Maybe make them a bit jealous. [Sidenote from Her: She is definitely jealous]
  • No strings attached carefree demeanor. (Not to be confused with the latest Ashton Kutcher movie)
  • The hope of meeting Mr. or Miss. Right.

With this I say Happy Valentine’s Day to all the Singles out there. Especially singles with a lot of couple friends. And remember that Sunday, February 13th is Singles Appreciation Day. (S.A.D)

Ox Michou


Happy Valentine’s Day!

14 Feb

Love love love.


Now check out this sweet mash-up.

You Knew It Was Coming – V-Day Post

13 Feb

I’ve been doing so much work surrounding Valentine’s Day lately, that I’ve almost forgotten what it’s actually about. To me, it’s no longer a “Hallmark Holiday” – it’s become a holiday full of reproducing rabbits, energy supplements, and these videos:

For Valentine’s Day this year, He and I mutually agreed that our thousand dollars trip to Cuba will be our gift to each other (and the Cubans, heyo!). For Valentines’ Day two years ago, we agreed that our driving trip to Florida would be our gift to each other (and our hosts, my aunts, heyo!). Last year we agreed that our gift would be a dinner out with His mother, who was visiting from New Brunswick and decided that Valentine’s Day was the best day to meet up with us, even though we rarely saw each other as we were living in different cities at the time. I’m pretty sure she just wanted to keep us from boning. But she did pay for dinner. Heyo!

We’ve never really been the dinner-reservations-months-in-advance-rose-petals-on-the-bed-type-of-couple. [Note: He has never been the couple. I wouldn’t mind being that couple.] But I mean, it would be kind of nice to do some of that stuff once in awhile, right?

I think sometimes I don’t give Him enough credit though. He’s not big on Valentine’s Day, and we don’t even have an anniversary (which is a whole other blog post, probably on a night when I’ve tried out all eight of His Alcoholic Airmiles suggestions). So in honour of Valentine’s Day, I’m going to tell the most romantic story that exists, just to show that He does bring his A-game. But only when He feels like it.

I had just received a terribly haircut. I mean terrible. I have curly hair and for whatever reason, this doink of a hairdresser cut it super short, so I couldn’t even ponytail the damn thing. I wrapped my neck scarf around my head I was so embarrassed and I cried the entire way home. And by home, I mean His home, where I stormed upstairs and started on a beautiful rant about old fights that we had already solved, about everything I had ever been pissed about basically. I yanked off the headscarf really dramatically and just went at Him. He was nice enough to suggest that I go down to my apartment, take a shower, and see how I feel. I’m glad He didn’t start to go back it me, it could have ended up like this:

Anyways. I went down, showered, and my hair still looked like it did when I was in 5th grade and my Dad gave me a mushroom cut. Then there was a knock on the door. I was too short to see out the peep-hole, so I opened it – but no one was there. I went to go back inside, and there was a ballcap on the handle with a note inside that said “You can wear this until your hair looks better.”


I started to feel a bit bad at this point for my going off on him. I mean, sure my hair looked like ass, but I guess that’s no reason to bring up things that had happened over two years ago… or before we were dating… just as my guilt begins to kick in , there’s another knock on the door.

It’s a bag containing a bottle of rye, and another note. Oh man… does he ever know me well. I went straight to the kitchen to get a shot glass (obvi). Maybe if I got drunk and fixed my hair myself, it would look better. I was probably just reaching for the scissors when there was another knock – this time it was a bag of gingerale (for the world’s best rye & gingies) and a container of Pillsbury cinnamon roles (the week before we had been arguing – I wanted the rolls, he wanted the cookies). It was the best.

Okay. Enough was enough… clearly I was being a total idiot and He was even going out of his way to be super nice and cute about it, just to show what an ass I had been. My guilt was tripping me to Thailand and back at this point, and I kept calling Him but there was no answer. I even went up to his apartment (we lived in the same building, just separate floors), but He wasn’t there.

Finally – another knock on the door. This time it was a bag of lemons. Alright – the rest I got, but lemons? I decided to hang around. Sure enough, about 20 seconds later, out comes Gerard Butler with a 26er of tequila. Hence the lemons. We proceeded to get very drunk, to the point where I forgot I even had hair to be sad about.

So there you have it ladies. If you have a guy who doesn’t quite dig Valentine’s Day, but you’re craving some romance… I wouldn’t worry. He probably has some grand scheme up his sleeves for some normal day of the year when he’ll sweep you off your feet. I suggest berating him heavily and calling his ex-girlfriends dirty names to induce the labour.