Tag Archives: clothes

The Ultimate In Fashion

21 Feb

Want, want, want

Here’s what I’m loving lately – full length, super comfy body-encapsulating outfits. There’s just something about the hiding effect of them – I don’t have to go anywhere, do anything, or be anyone when I wear it. At least, that’s how I think I’ll feel, because I don’t actually own any of these bad boys.

Take a look at these bad boys and tell me you don’t want to PUT ON ALL OF THEM AT ONCE AND BE THE HAPPIEST YOU’VE EVER BEEN!

The Original Norwegian Onesie
They have so many different kinds on this website that I want all of them and I will wear a different one every day and finally be satisfied with life. I’m especially jonesing after this red beauty though – I can just see myself in it, ya know? Plus, it looks wonderfully like the one Chuck Bass wore on Gossip Girl, and I’m more than a little in love with him.


The Share History Robe (Drake General Store)
This is like, a robe for a sexy grown-up woman. A woman’s robe. Nothing terry cloth, or flannel, or that weird velour fabric that all of His brothers wear like, all of the time (I made Him throw his out, THANK GOD), but just a mature, sexy-ass woman robe. I would wear this to work, I’d look so professional.



11 Jan

After receiving my Visa bill for this month (even though it looked like they took every Visa bill I’ve ever had, combined it, then doubled it and gave it to me), I have decided that I’m going to try REALLY HARD to not spend any money in January, and maybe February too.

Now, this is obviously going to be impossible, so I have to list some things that I most definitely will be buying that officially do not count (so don’t hassle me about them):

  1. Food. I need food to live, and I’ve been looking everywhere for that bread dipper that I bought two bottles of last night, okay?!
  2. Normal stuff I can’t get away from, ie: TTC pass, rent, phone bill, and so on and so on
  3. Trips. Now, this might seem totally counteractive, but I just got married and I’m really tired and I 100% deserve a honeymoon. Plus, I planned on doing this in 2012, so it’s really just about committing.

Things I will not be allowed to spend money on:

  1. Alcohol. We have about 39,000 bottles of white wine leftover from the wedding, as well as some vodka and tequila. And I work for a beer company, so really, there’s no excuse for me to buy alcohol
  2. Clothes. There’s no getting around this one – this is where I spend my money, and yo, it is just not a good idea for me to go in any store right now (including online ones) because I have a bunch of stuff that I never even wear
  3. Books. See above – too many books that I haven’t read yet sit at home. Therefore I shall not buy!

Now, this is in no way going to be easy, but considering I really do want to go on a vacation, and I just had a wedding that cost about a bajillion dollars, no spending shall be allowed!

(Gifts, however, are totally okay. Just FYI.)


4 Feb

Okay, so there were no shots present, but the LCBO Cocktails event was still pretty killer.

I was stressing hardcore about what to wear, but luckily everything turned out okay. A black dress in a somewhat hourglass silhouette (if I had a C cup that is), a gorge mink hat with some netting from my gracious boss, and some seamed tights completed the ensemble.

Actually, apparently I looked so fine, that we were asked for our photos twice! Very cool. Here’s our digs: yeah yeah, I know they’re shady photos – we were stupid and forgot cameras!

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The event itself was great. We only stayed for a couple of hours, it being a work night and us having a Dinner Party to throw tomorrow night, but we really enjoyed our time there.

The Drinks

Lots of great drinks were available, and luckily, my favorite was offered as well – Tequila Sunrise.

There are few things I love more than tequila, orange juice and grenadine, let me tell you. One of those things, however, might just be bartenders with extreme flair, who are throwing mixers and glasses every which way and looking super awesome while doing it. He preferred the more manly drinks, like the Rusty Nail or some other manly name.

The Grub

Admittedly, I was worried. I’m such a crazy picky eater, and app’s are not really my specialty. So the first few apps that were offered to us, I abstained like a Christian 12-year-old. But man, then we hit the jack-pot. There were these amazing little sandwiches with ham and melted cheese, but they were in like a biscuit or something… seriously, delicious. I would like to go back to the 1960’s just for those lil thangs. There were also come chicken finger things going around. A) anything on a stick tastes better than normal B) I love chicken. Well done Carlu. I have yet to be disappointed by your snacks.

The Garb

Everyone looked great. Okay, not true, but most people definitely did. Some people there were clearly trying to do the whole “Yeah, I know this is a dress-up costume-y affair, but I’ll wear my Nike sneakers anyway because they’re awesome” thing. Man, what are you, in high school? Just put on a suit or something. Or at least some black shoes? (Though they were really nice Nikes, I will say.)

All in all, He and I had a great time. I like these little after work events because they’re short and sweet. Sure, we could have stayed longer, but isn’t the best part about anything going home sometimes anyway?