He bought a bike!

13 May

So happy that I bought a bike.  Her and I lived in Ottawa over the summer in 2009 and our work schedules were essentially reciprocals.  So, I went out and bought a bike to use for exercise, transportation, fun and a great way to discover this new (to me) city.  It was the cheapest thing that Canadian Tire sold and I loved it.  I had such a blast just going for super long bike rides to some part of the National Capital Region that I had never been to, just to see it.  The bike paths there go all through the city.  Along the river, along the canal – just a great time. 

Then we moved to Toronto.

Not to say that it’s a bike unfriendly city, it’s just not as nice for bikes as Ottawa is.  So I hemmed and hawwed about whether to get a bike.  But today, I bought one.  And not a cheap one from Candarian Tire this time – an actual good one from a real bike shop.  This is what it looks like:

You see, I don’t actually have it.  Yet.  The store (Urbane Cyclist at Queen and John.  Really a great bike shop.  Huge selection.  Fair prices.  Super knowledgeable staff.  Whatever accessory you could ever want.  Can’t say enough good things about that place) actually puts each bike through a 30 minute check up before it leaves the shop.  And since it’s spring and the nice weather just hit, their shop is working around the clock and is still way backed up.  Oh well.

But I completely understand.  I used to work summers at a small engines shop and everyone would wait until the last minute to get their lawnmowers tuned up.  So we’d just have this huge line of mowers to get tuned up every spring and people would bitch to me about their grass being up to their knees.  My job was basically to pretend like I gave a shit about their unkempt lawn.  Which I didn’t.  At all.

Anyways.  I’m really excited to get out on the paths and streets of Toronto with my new hybrid bike.  I think it’s going to be a fun summer!

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